Last updated on February 27th, 2022 at 09:06 pm
Second night out and clouds were bad until about midnight of course. So had to try and make progress learning polar alignments after midnight.
Process is a little tricky but started to get the hang of it. May need to try PHD2. The process of tracking a star thru multiple field makes this very hard to accomplish. Took me about 1 hour to get anywhere close. But once the system was aligned we had very accurate pointing and the stars held together pretty well in a 30 second shot. Need to work out where the pictures are ending up when we use EKOS and they were not on the SDCard.
Finished design of the mount and cabling. Tried it out tonight and I am a little concerned with the 4000maH battery. It drained fairly rapidly tonight and looks like we might get about 3-4 hours out of each charge. Package is perfect size and will look nice once I get the smaller cables.
Helical focuser for the auto glider camera should arrive tomorrow so we might be able to work in some of those items as well.